Organisations desirous of becoming a member of PAFI may submit the application in the given format to the Executive Director of PAFI. Once the membership form along with the Code of Ethics, duly signed and stamped, are received, it will put up for the approval of the Managing Committee. PAFI’s Managing Committee reserves the right to accept or reject the application at their discretion, without assigning any reason. Membership will be in the name of a body corporate and will entitle the member body corporate to appoint three individuals to attend regular proceedings of PAFI. The member body corporate will have one voting right.
With external stakeholders from the government, regulators, media, industry associations, NGOs, multilateral agencies and think tanks
Sharing of expertise and domain knowledge on policy making procedures. Equip members with tools to engage with their stakeholders effectively
Provides a platform to collaborate, exchange ideas, information and best practices
Provides members insights and analysis of policy developments and changes across sectors
Members have access to pool of knowledge and expertise available within the membership of PAFI