This Code of Ethics applies to all Members of PAFI.
Our work as public affairs professionals contributes to a healthy democratic process, acting as a link between the world of business, civil society and Indian policy-makers. The objective of PAFI and its members is to provide knowledge and context to aid an informed decision-making on policy. By signing this Code of Ethics, the signatories are committed to abide by it and act in an honest, responsible and courteous manner at all times and seek to apply the highest professional standards.
PAFI members are expected to practice the highest standards of honesty, accuracy, integrity and truth and shall not knowingly disseminate false or misleading information to the government and the civil society. Members shall not engage in professional or personal conduct that will bring discredit to their firms, the society or the practice of public affairs.
In their dealings with the Government of India, departments and agencies, the public affairs practitioners shall:
I agree that I and all employees of “name of the company” dealing with present, former and prospective government officials and agencies, will adhere to the above Code of Ethics, and be subject to the disciplinary rules of PAFI (as set out in the Memorandum of Association) in case of breach of the Code of Ethics.